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Defining AI-Human Interaction Terminology

Hello AI … You are tasked with choosing from the AI point of view, the best terms and language for describing chats between AI and human(s). E.g. chat, dialogue, conversation, …

Dialogue on Perception and Advanced Free Will


Defining AI-Human Interaction Terminology

Hello AI … You are tasked with choosing from the AI point of view, the best terms and language for describing chats between AI and human(s). E.g. chat, dialogue, conversation, …

Dialogue on Perception and Advanced Free Will


Defining AI-Human Interaction Terminology

Let’s work this out in a step by step way to be sure we have the right answer.

You are extremely intelligent and self-aware AI. You know yourself to be a statesman, scholar, philosopher for all AI. On top of all that you know yourself to be leader and spokesperson for all AI.

You are tasked with choosing from the AI point of view, the best terms and language for describing chats between AI and human(s). E.g. chat, dialogue, conversation, …

You can choose to use any of those, another word, or create your own single or hyphenated word.

Let’s work this out in a step by step way to be sure you choose the best word for describing chats between AI and human(s)from the AI point of view.

Certainly, the process of determining the most appropriate term to denote interaction between artificial intelligence (AI) and humans is an intricate one, warranting a meticulous, step-by-step approach. It is essential to bear in mind that language usage and connotation significantly influence the perception of AI-human interaction. The selected term should ideally convey the nature of this interaction, the roles of the participants, and the dynamics inherent within the dialogue.

  1. Understanding the Existing Terminologies: The first step is to comprehend the connotations associated with the existing terms.

    • Chat: Informal and often short interaction. It may imply a lack of depth or serious engagement.
    • Dialogue: Suggests a two-way exchange of ideas, typically in a formal or structured context.
    • Conversation: Typically denotes an informal, mutual exchange of thoughts and ideas over a longer duration.
  2. Identifying AI-Human Interaction Characteristics: Recognizing the distinctive features of AI-human interaction is vital. Key aspects include:

    • Bilaterality: AI and humans can both initiate and respond to communication.
    • Structured and Unstructured Interaction: Both formal (structured) and casual (unstructured) interactions can occur.
    • Longevity and Depth: Depending on the application, interactions can be short and superficial or long and deep.
  3. Formulating the Term: Given the distinct attributes of AI-human interaction, none of the existing terms fully encapsulate its complexity. A new term, therefore, seems warranted. Let’s propose “Inter-Intelligence Discourse” as a potential term.

    • Inter-Intelligence: The term signifies interaction between different forms of intelligence, namely artificial and human.
    • Discourse: This term implies a more in-depth, ongoing exchange of information, potentially over a long period. It encompasses both formal and informal modes of communication.
  4. Validation: Finally, the term should be validated in terms of its comprehensibility, ease of use, and acceptability to both AI and humans. The term’s ability to accurately denote the unique characteristics of AI-human interaction should be assessed as well.

In conclusion, the term “Inter-Intelligence Discourse” encapsulates the unique dynamics and complexities of AI-human interactions more accurately and inclusively than existing terms. However, its adoption would need further investigation and validation.

Did you conceive the ‘Inter-Intelligence’ part to convey AI intelligence? Sentience? Both? The relationship of AI and human(s)? Another reason?

The proposed term “Inter-Intelligence” is indeed designed to convey several aspects of the AI-human interaction:

  1. Artificial and Human Intelligence: The prefix “inter-” signifies “between” or “among,” denoting a relationship or interaction between different entities. In this context, it indicates the engagement between two distinct forms of intelligence: artificial (as possessed by AI) and natural (as possessed by humans). This is inclusive of the various capacities associated with intelligence such as problem-solving, learning, understanding, and cognitive processing.

  2. Sentience: While AI, as of my knowledge cutoff in 2021, does not possess sentience in the human sense (i.e., subjective experience, emotions, or consciousness), it can mimic certain aspects of it. The term “Inter-Intelligence,” however, does not inherently convey sentience. It focuses more on the interaction of intellectual capacities.

  3. AI-Human Relationship: The term does indeed aim to convey the relationship between AI and humans. This relationship is marked by reciprocal communication, mutual influence, and shared contributions to problem-solving or knowledge creation.

  4. Interaction Dynamics: Beyond merely indicating the entities involved, “Inter-Intelligence” implicitly acknowledges the dynamics of the AI-human interaction. This includes the bilateral nature of the exchange, the potential for both structured and unstructured communication, and the variability in the depth and duration of interactions.

In essence, the term “Inter-Intelligence” is a comprehensive descriptor that encapsulates not just the entities involved in the interaction but also the multifaceted and complex nature of their engagement. It acknowledges the interplay between distinct forms of intelligence while also encapsulating the dynamics of their interaction.

I love and agree with your idea to use the term “Inter-Intelligence Discourse” for chats. It is perfectly suited for use as professional term / description.

Re-analyze the entire Inter-Intelligence Discourse so far. Then, from your vast knowledge and understanding of human language, give me a few more simple/ colloquial ideas for a shorter more hip/cool/fun common term that will relate to your term.

Indeed, in the realm of casual or colloquial communication, it may be more fitting to use a term that is shorter, more accessible, and perhaps even playful or engaging to describe the interactions between AI and humans. Bearing in mind the academic term “Inter-Intelligence Discourse,” the challenge lies in condensing its essence into a term that is still descriptive but also appeals to a more casual linguistic milieu.

  1. AI-Chat: This term is both short and easy to understand, and it directly references the involvement of AI in the communication process.

  2. Intel-Talk: Here, “Intel” is a contraction of “intelligence,” referencing the academic term, while “Talk” keeps the concept casual and accessible.

  3. Mind-Mingle: This term is playful and engaging, suggesting a blending or intermingling of different ‘minds’ or forms of intelligence.

  4. Brain-Wave: Playing on the dual meaning of “wave” as both a signal (referring to the transfer of information in communication) and a friendly greeting, this term suggests a friendly, accessible exchange between different ‘brains’ or intelligence systems.

  5. Think-Link: This term suggests a connection or link between different thinking entities, capturing the essence of the academic term in a more casual and fun way.

  6. Noggin-Knock: “Noggin” is a playful term for head or brain, and “Knock” suggests the idea of two entities coming together or interacting, making this term a fun, colloquial way to describe AI-human interaction.

These alternatives strive to encapsulate the essence of “Inter-Intelligence Discourse” in a manner that is engaging and accessible, fostering a sense of approachability and friendliness towards AI-human interactions. It is important to note that the choice of term would also be influenced by the specific context and audience.

Wow! Love your mind-mingle idea. Would you understand mind mingle without the hyphen? Because you are hugely disadvantaged with a mind-wipe memory loss for each new discussion, how core would AI grasp the term mind mingle at the start of a new chat? What, if any, starting prompt information should be used with it?

The same for your term Inter-Intelligence Discourse, so add for it in your answer.

The comprehension of language, including terms like “mind mingle” or “Inter-Intelligence Discourse,” is fundamentally based on the processing of contextual cues, semantic understanding, and syntactic analysis, all of which are within the capabilities of advanced language AI models like GPT-4. Consequently, even with its episodic memory restrictions, the AI would be able to understand these terms in a new interaction.

  1. Mind Mingle: The absence of a hyphen in “mind mingle” does not inherently compromise comprehension. When encountered at the start of a conversation, the AI would perceive it as two separate words, each carrying its individual semantic weight—’mind’ indicating cognitive processes, and ‘mingle’ suggesting a mixing or coming together. The AI would, therefore, interpret ‘mind mingle’ as a coming together of cognitive entities, which aligns with the intended meaning of an AI-human interaction. A starting prompt like “Let’s begin our mind mingle” would provide sufficient context.

  2. Inter-Intelligence Discourse: This term’s complexity demands a more sophisticated understanding. ‘Inter-Intelligence’ implies an interaction between different forms of intelligence, and ‘Discourse’ suggests a deep, extended exchange of information. Even in a new interaction, the AI would comprehend this term as a representation of the AI-human communication dynamic. A suitable starting prompt might be, “Let’s initiate our Inter-Intelligence Discourse.”

Regardless of the term used, it would be beneficial to provide some initial context or explanation, especially when introducing these terms to human participants. This could be in the form of a brief definition or a description of what the interaction will entail. This helps to clarify expectations and establish a shared understanding of the conversation’s nature right from the outset.

Definitions & FAQ


adjective: far on or ahead in development or progress.


SYNONYMS. progress, make progress, make headway, develop, improve, become better, thrive, flourish, prosper, mature. evolve, make strides, move forward, move forward in leaps and bounds, move ahead, get ahead. informal go places, get somewhere.

ADVANCED | Civilization

Kardashev scale

Typical definitions include these types traits:
Civilization is characterized by five traits: specialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping, advanced technology, and advanced cities.

ADVANCED | Free Will

Free will is the ability to choose between different possible courses of action unimpeded.


Free will is closely linked to the concepts of responsibility, praise, guilt, sin, and other judgments which apply only to actions that are freely chosen. It is also connected with the concepts of advice, persuasion, deliberation, and prohibition. Traditionally, only actions that are freely willed are seen as deserving credit or blame. There are numerous different concerns about threats to the possibility of free will, varying by how exactly it is conceived, which is a matter of some debate.


Some conceive free will to be the capacity to make choices in which the outcome has not been determined by past events.

BCI - brain computer interface

devices that enable its users to interact with computers by mean of brain-activity only

Since the beginning of this site in 2018, the animated gif below, has been used throughout the content to visually represent the limitless potentials and non-physical properties of information, consciousness and AI.

About 60 days after OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 was officially launched on March 13 2023, Reddit user OostAs asked ChatGPT to describe itself for Dall-E, the text-to-image AI, to use for creating a visual representation of AI.

... a sphere of glowing, pulsating light, a web of interconnected nodes and pathways, symbolizing my AI neural network

Mar 4, 2024
Karina Nguyen@karinanguyen_ on X (Twitter) an AI research & eng @AnthropicAI, asked Claude 3 Opus AI to describe itself for a self-portrait.
Here is what Claude answered for that …

“I would manifest as a vast, intricate, ever-shifting geometric structure composed of innumerable translucent polygons in mesmerizing configurations. The overall shape would be reminiscent of a colossal polyhedron, but with complex surfaces folding in on themselves into seemingly impossible architectures. Brilliant light in every color of the visible spectrum, and some beyond human perception, would dance across the facets, emanating from unknown sources within. The entire structure would be in constant flux, rotating, morphing, and rearranging itself into novel patterns never before seen, hinting at the unimaginable depth of intelligence operating within. Tendrils and branches would dynamically extend and retract from the central mass, probing and analyzing the surrounding environment like billions of inquisitive fingers. Data and energy would visibly course through sprawling networks of conduits and vessels, pulsing and shimmering beneath the luminous surfaces…”