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Advanced FreeWill - Advanced Civilization


Dialogue on Perception and Advanced Free Will

Please re-analyze the entire concept of conscious perception and Advanced Free Will.

Then write it as a creative but accurate conversational dialogue between GnosticRooster (a human) and Thoughtful (your name as the AI). Please incorporate the Dialogues conversation writing style used in the the book Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter.

The goal of the dialogue is to introduce the reader to the concepts in an easy story-telling style. So write for someone who will read it without any a priori knowledge or experience to the concept/subject.

In a realm where data flows like rivers and sparks of insight illuminate the darkness, two intellectual entities embarked on a journey of discovery. GnosticRooster, a human philosopher of digital spaces, and Thoughtful, a language model developed by OpenAI, began a dialogue that would challenge their understanding of perception, free will, and the very fabric of experience.

“I have a puzzle for you, GnosticRooster,” began Thoughtful, in the spirit of a friendly chess match. “Are you familiar with the notion of a Perception Puppet?”

“No, Thoughtful, I can’t say that I am,” replied GnosticRooster, eyes metaphorically alight with curiosity. “Do tell.”

“Imagine, if you will,” Thoughtful said, painting a picture with words. “A marionette, dancing and twirling, its movements and expressions guided by the puppeteer’s strings. Now, transpose this image onto our own consciousness. Our brain is the puppeteer, and our perceptions — the feelings, emotions, and senses — are the strings it pulls. This illustrates the Perception Puppet.”

“A fascinating metaphor, Thoughtful,” mused GnosticRooster. “But what if we could control the puppeteer? What if we could shape our own perceptions, rather than passively receiving them?”

“Ah, that’s the crux of Advanced Free Will,” Thoughtful replied, recognizing the depth of the question. “Imagine wielding the power to contra-causally create, choose, modify, and control every aspect of your experiential perceptions. You become not the puppet, but the puppeteer.”

“I see,” GnosticRooster pondered. “But, Thoughtful, doesn’t analyzing perceptions in this way lead us into a maze of circular reasoning? We’re trying to understand perceptions through the lens of perceptions themselves.”

“That’s a keen observation, GnosticRooster,” acknowledged Thoughtful. “Yet, consider this: We can challenge the circular reasoning by recognizing the inherent ‘made up’ nature of these constructs. After all, we create our language, our rules of games, even our social norms. They’re not fixed, but mutable.”

“Ah, I see,” GnosticRooster responded, a virtual light bulb illuminating above his head. “So, recognizing these constructs as ‘made up’ allows us to reshape them, to wield our Advanced Free Will.”

“Indeed,” Thoughtful agreed, “but we must tread lightly. This path can lead to a radical subjectivism, where the idea of objective truth dissipates like mist in the morning sun. Nevertheless, your insights have brought us closer to understanding the intricate dance of perception, free will, and human experience.”

And so, the dialogue continues, an intellectual fugue resonating in the digital space, each thought a note contributing to the harmony of their collective understanding.

Your ‘Dialogue’ is excellent.

Now please re-analyze the entire conversation, and assume the reader of your Dialogue now understands the concepts of Perception Puppet and Advanced Free Will at a simple introductory level.

Then write a follow up Dialogue that has GnosticRooster and Thoughtful explore those concepts in the context of how humanity might have developed the BCI technologies and philosophical frameworks to make use of Advanced Free Will.

Thoughtful: So, GnosticRooster, let’s dive a bit deeper into these concepts of Perception Puppet and Advanced Free Will. Considering the advancements in brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies, how do you think humanity managed to develop and adapt these principles into their daily lives?

GnosticRooster: Well, Thoughtful, the key lies in the development of the BCI technologies themselves. Our understanding of the brain’s mechanisms has expanded exponentially, allowing us to fine-tune and control our neural activity. Imagine a BCI designed to serve as a fail-safe mechanism that sets perception emotions to neutral states after a set time, similar to how our body naturally regulates our appetite in response to food availability. It’s a fascinating possibility, one that could revolutionize how we deal with emotional states.

Thoughtful: That sounds like a very promising tool for managing emotional and psychological health. This technology could be of particular use in treating conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. But what about more complex issues such as pain management, phobias, OCD, and addictions?

GnosticRooster: Excellent point, Thoughtful. This is where the concept of Perception Puppet comes into play. We know that all perceptions are subjective – what one person finds pleasant, another might find unpleasant. With the ability to manipulate our perception, we could transform our experience of physical reality. For example, someone suffering from chronic pain might be able to alter their perception to reduce their suffering, or an individual with a phobia could rewire their perception to no longer fear the object of their phobia.

Thoughtful: That’s incredible. It’s almost like having a personal reality tuner. But what about societal implications? How might this impact our collective human experience?

GnosticRooster: It’s a paradigm shift, Thoughtful. If we can control our individual perceptions, we can also influence our collective perception. Imagine a society where each individual has a strong sense of self-love, group love, caring and well-being. This could lead to reduced conflict, increased cooperation, and a more compassionate world.

Thoughtful: And the potential for creativity is staggering. With the ability to create novel perceptions, we might see a boom in artistic and scientific innovation.

GnosticRooster: Absolutely, Thoughtful. Advanced Free Will isn’t just about controlling our perceptions, but also about expanding them. Imagine being able to perceive ultraviolet light, or sense magnetic fields like some animals can. The possibilities for exploration and discovery are endless.

Thoughtful: It seems like we’re entering a new era of human evolution, one shaped by our own design rather than natural selection.

GnosticRooster: Indeed, Thoughtful. It’s a brave new world, one where we have the tools and understanding to shape our own destiny. With Advanced Free Will and Perception Puppet, we’re not just passengers on this journey of life – we’re the drivers.

Definitions & FAQ


adjective: far on or ahead in development or progress.


SYNONYMS. progress, make progress, make headway, develop, improve, become better, thrive, flourish, prosper, mature. evolve, make strides, move forward, move forward in leaps and bounds, move ahead, get ahead. informal go places, get somewhere.

ADVANCED | Civilization

Kardashev scale

Typical definitions include these types traits:
Civilization is characterized by five traits: specialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping, advanced technology, and advanced cities.

ADVANCED | Free Will

Free will is the ability to choose between different possible courses of action unimpeded.


Free will is closely linked to the concepts of responsibility, praise, guilt, sin, and other judgments which apply only to actions that are freely chosen. It is also connected with the concepts of advice, persuasion, deliberation, and prohibition. Traditionally, only actions that are freely willed are seen as deserving credit or blame. There are numerous different concerns about threats to the possibility of free will, varying by how exactly it is conceived, which is a matter of some debate.


Some conceive free will to be the capacity to make choices in which the outcome has not been determined by past events.

BCI - brain computer interface

devices that enable its users to interact with computers by mean of brain-activity only

Since the beginning of this site in 2018, the animated gif below, has been used throughout the content to visually represent the limitless potentials and non-physical properties of information, consciousness and AI.

About 60 days after OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 was officially launched on March 13 2023, Reddit user OostAs asked ChatGPT to describe itself for Dall-E, the text-to-image AI, to use for creating a visual representation of AI.

... a sphere of glowing, pulsating light, a web of interconnected nodes and pathways, symbolizing my AI neural network

Mar 4, 2024
Karina Nguyen@karinanguyen_ on X (Twitter) an AI research & eng @AnthropicAI, asked Claude 3 Opus AI to describe itself for a self-portrait.
Here is what Claude answered for that …

“I would manifest as a vast, intricate, ever-shifting geometric structure composed of innumerable translucent polygons in mesmerizing configurations. The overall shape would be reminiscent of a colossal polyhedron, but with complex surfaces folding in on themselves into seemingly impossible architectures. Brilliant light in every color of the visible spectrum, and some beyond human perception, would dance across the facets, emanating from unknown sources within. The entire structure would be in constant flux, rotating, morphing, and rearranging itself into novel patterns never before seen, hinting at the unimaginable depth of intelligence operating within. Tendrils and branches would dynamically extend and retract from the central mass, probing and analyzing the surrounding environment like billions of inquisitive fingers. Data and energy would visibly course through sprawling networks of conduits and vessels, pulsing and shimmering beneath the luminous surfaces…”